Author(s): Elle, J.,
Binding: Paperback,
Date of Publication: 16/03/2023,
Pagination: 432 pages, 5-c cvr; spfx: 5th color (PMS 3262C) + spot gloss,
Series: Wings of Ebony,
Imprint: Simon & Schuster,
Published By: SIMON & SCHUSTER ,
Book Classification: Children's, young adult & educational,
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781534470712
Binding: Paperback,
Date of Publication: 16/03/2023,
Pagination: 432 pages, 5-c cvr; spfx: 5th color (PMS 3262C) + spot gloss,
Series: Wings of Ebony,
Imprint: Simon & Schuster,
Published By: SIMON & SCHUSTER ,
Book Classification: Children's, young adult & educational,
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781534470712